When it comes to your medical care– are you a believer or a doubter? A minimalist or a maximalist? Do you read every last side effect in the fine print on the bottle–and then NOT take the medicine? Or do you treat every sniffle like it might be pneumonia? Well last night I interviewed the authors of a fantastic new book: “YOUR MEDICAL MIND: How to Decide What is Right For You” before a live audience sponsored by the New Center for Arts and Culture. The book –by husband and wife Doctors Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband, an enormously intelligent and compassonate couple– has won raves in the GLOBE, THE NY TIMES, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, NPR, etc . You may have read Jerry’s articles in the New Yorker or his best-seller HOW DOCTORS THINK. Check this one out!
I was particularly interested in moderating this program because, as a 3X cancer survivor, I have my own checkered past with the medical profession and have arrived at many of the same conclusions about what’s “right for me.” You can read about my own curious journey with my health and an often myopic medical community in this month’s issue of EXHALE magazine! Click on “TRUST YOUR INTUITION.”
And guess who’s featured in the October 2011 Boston Magazine– my husband Andrew of ANDREW COHEN ARCHITECTS. Andrew and his partner Tom White have designed a killer contemporary house for arts philanthropist Deb Hawkins and you can check out the article: “Designing The Dream,” and pics in this month’s Boston Magazine!! The house was built by MERZ construction– something that wasn’t but should have been mentioned in the article.Click on my husband’s website to see many more pics of the house in Lincoln, and lots of other cool work. If I do say so myself.
And while I’m at it– in the Fall issue of BOSTON HOME my landscape gardner- the lovely Isabel Wheat (great moniker for a gardner, no?) is featured for her lush work on another home, a gorgeous victorian in Wellesley. See the photographs (scroll down to the last 15) at Wheat Landscape Gardening & Design!
Small world. Love it.
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