According to Conan O’Brien, “Jim Carrey rudely interrupted my power ballad last night. How did he get past security in a Superman outfit?” Look here: https://teamcoco.com


It was an exhilarating weekend out at Saratoga Springs New York where my girl and her crew team– “WAYLAND/WESTON GO GO GO!!!”– rowed their boats not so gently down the stream! Saratoga Lake, actually. What a regatta! The weather held–clear and sunny, warm to cool–while sleek young high school and college athletes from all over the East coast competed. They came in flights–the shells as long and strong as their rowers, slicing through the water in head to head heats.

I worked the food tent and felt so fine providing a bit of fuel for all that athleticism. I’m about as athletic as a slug on a rainy day. I once was a cheerleader at my all girls Catholic High School Lauralton Hall where we screamed for our basketball team while wearing our red gym suits with attached bloomers, and our names embroidered on the pockets. No kidding.

My best sport remains jumping to conclusions–and cheering my team on. By the way WAYLAND/WESTON novice girls earned a gold medal and placed second overall!